MP Bucher Has A Recipe For Success

Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) leader Josef Bucher demonstrated his cooking skills at the weekend.

The MP who is also a hotel owner told guests at the “Habsaburger von Eduard Mainoni” wine bar that if a politician could manage it – then it can’t be difficult.”

The party’s regional coordinator Markus Fauland was among those impressed by the politicians creations.

He said: “He can cook really well – it’s what you’d expect from someone who’s already written their own cookbook.”

Together with regional party boss Robert Stark they enjoyed the Stroganoff fillet with dumplings and would totally impressed.

The exotic fruits served with noodles impressed Helmut Naderer and Friaul-Fan Stefan Herzl and logistics boss Hans Moser and Franz Brandstätter also enjoyed the orange fruits.