From earth to sky

 By Fidan Aliyeva

An exhibition devoted to Saint Serafim Viritskiy was held last week in the Russian Cultural Centre at Brahmsplatz 8. The exhibition was organised with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Management of Moscow Patriarchate of Foreign Institutions and Saint-Troitska Alexander-Nevski lavra with the blessings of Archbishop Mark, Saint Petersburg metropolitan and Ladojskiy Vladimir.

Since the early stages of his life, Serafim Viristkiy was preparing himself for monastic life. Successful enough in Petersburg as a businessman during the 1800s as well as across Europe and particularly in Austria, Germany and Poland, he nevertheless considered spiritual riches as a priority in life over financial prosperity. Growing from novice into a well-known Russian confessor, he is considered one of the famous Russian saints of the 20th century.

Among the special guests during the opening ceremony of the exhibition were the director of the Russian Cultural Centre and adviser of the Russian Embassy in Vienna Tatiana Mishukovskaya, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Vienna Sergei Nechaev, dean of Saint Nikolai Cathedral in Vienna Vladimir Tishuk and great grandson of Serafim Viritskiy, Gennadiy Muravyov who partly narrated the life of his great-grandfather to the audience.

The exposition “From Earth towards Sky” – first held in Budapest, Hungary – was open to audiences in Vienna which included photographs from the family archive, a documentary about Serafim Viritskiy’s life and his activity, brochures as well as books about him.

After Vienna, the exhibition moves to Talinn where it will open its doors from 1 to 15 December.