Young Austrians spend little time on reading papers

Young Austrians are investing just a few minutes a week reading newspapers, a survey has revealed.Linz-based pollster Market found that Austrians aged between 16 and 29 spend an average 60 minutes per week reading a printed daily newspaper. The agency also found that 28 per cent of people aged 50 and older spend five or more hours each week reading the daily press.The poll – for which 400 Austrians were interviewed – showed that a vast majority of 84 per cent read a printed daily publication at least now and then, while four in 10 Austrians regularly read weekly magazines.Right-wing Kronen Zeitung has dominated the Austrian print market for decades. The Viennese newspaper has a daily readership of almost three million. Newly-launched rivals like tabloid Österreich failed to significantly lower the paper’s market share.Kleine Zeitung has the second-largest readership ahead of Kurier and Österreich, while free daily Heute – which is not included in official statistics – is popular in Vienna.The number of Austrians with access to the internet is meanwhile on the rise. Around 75 per cent of households said they can enter the World Wide Web last year, up from 35 per cent in 2010.Almost three out of 10 Austrians use social networks like Twitter, Xing and Facebook, according to a survey carried out by Spectra in September. The number of Austrians with a Facebook account is thought to be about two million.