Egyptian holidaymakers have to be flexible says tourism boss

Tourism bosses are urging people that had planned holidays to Egypt to be flexible after a travel warning was issued for the country.

Many people who had planned to travel to Egypt have had their flights cancelled as the crisis escalates in the country – many flights up until mid September have been cancelled.

People are being urged to change their travel destination, but many of the destinations are selling out.

Josef Peterleithner, president of the Austrian Travel Association (österreichischen Reiseverbands)said: “Just as many flights to Egypt were sold out, many other destinations are sold out.”

Egypt in comparison to Spain and Italy is a much cheaper option. It is much cheaper than similar holidays offered for example in Greece too.

Holidays of the same price can often only be found in Turkey and Tunisia – where it is hoped there will now be extra capacity added.

Peterleithner said: “Many of those who had booked would have preferred to have travelled. Many are disappointed their trips were cancelled and cannot understand why.

Those tourists currently in Egypt are not coming home early. Peterleithner says there is ‘a normal holiday atmosphere in the tourist resorts.”

The troubles are hundreds of kilometres away from the beach resorts.

Planes are still flying to the resorts, but many empty, to bring back the tourists currently holidaying there.