Flat screen TVs nicked from truck

Dozens of TV sets have been stolen from a lorry in Lower Austria on Tuesday night, it was announced today (Fri).Police said 30 flat screen TVs – worth around 850 Euros each – disappeared from a Hungarian truck while it was parked at a motorway rest stop on the A1 western highway near Völlerndorf. Officers explained the thieves slashed the trailer’s tarpaulin to grab its cargo, adding that they were investigating the incident.Only some weeks ago, an undisclosed number of computer screens worth 90,000 Euros altogether were nicked from a workshop in Haslau-Maria Ellend near Orth an der Donau, Lower Austria.The number of all kinds of felonies reported across Austria shrank by 9.4 per cent from 2009 to 2010 when 535,745 cases were registered. Police in the province of Lower Austria recorded a decrease of 13 per cent.