Teen chased by police dog leaps into lake

A thievish teenager jumped into a pond trying to outpace a police dog.The 16-year-old was pursued by the canine after police officers on night duty observed his attempts to steal a parked moped in Vienna-Favoriten last night (Mon/Tues).The teen managed to stay clear of the dog for more than a kilometre. He leapt into a lake at a local park as the animal got closer, with the two police officers lagging behind. The young criminal swam into the middle of the water before eventually giving up, realising that his chances to escape were foiled.The offender remains in custody as police are investigating against an alleged accomplice.Meanwhile, police in Vienna-Donaustadt are hunting a man who tried to steal a car – with its owner hanging onto the back.The unidentified criminal got behind the wheel of the Mazda as its owner was loading the trunk on Saturday morning. He abandoned the vehicle a few hundred metres from where it had been parked. Its owner – a 29-year-old Hungarian – sustained bruises in the incident.