Vienna boy hit by lorry

A young boy had to be hospitalised after he was hit by a lorry in Vienna yesterday (Thurs).The nine-year-old child was crossing the road in the city’s Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus district when an oncoming truck knocked him to the ground. He was transferred to a clinic with undisclosed injuries.The driver told police that his view was blocked by a parked van. Officials did not say whether his claim was found to be true or if he will face charges over the incident.Meanwhile, an Upper Austrian girl died of severe injuries she suffered when a car hit her in the town of Gampern.The four-year-old was walking across the road at a pedestrian crossing with her older sister who was holding her hand. The girl was hit by a vehicle after she broke away from the 12-year-old. The car dragged her along on its bonnet for 40 metres.