Driver never had a licence

An Austrian who never took a driving test faces charges for breaching traffic rules after being caught behind the wheel on Sunday.Asked by traffic police for his licence in Ruhstorf an der Rott, Germany, near the Austrian border, the 51-year-old man admitted that he has never possessed one. Bavarian traffic officials contacted their colleagues in Vienna who confirmed that the man never held a driving licence.The resident of Vienna, who was not put in custody, now faces charges in Germany for the offence. He had been driving for years after being convicted for not owning a licence, according to reports in German newspapers from today (Tues).Meanwhile, the Austrian interior ministry announced the number of drivers fined for speeding climbed by 0.6 per cent year on year to 4.16 million in 2010.It also said that almost 38,000 drunken drivers were fined or reported to prosecutors in 2010 after more than 41,100 drivers were caught breaching the Austrian legal drink-driving limit the year before.The number of people killed in traffic accidents in Austria dropped from 633 in 2009 to 548 in 2010.