Kossak masterpiece nicked from five-star hotel

A painting worth tens of thousands of Euros has been stolen from a Viennese hotel.Managers of the city’s five-star Hotel Bristol said today (Mon) that the burglars cut the artwork by late Polish painter Wojciech Kossak out of its frame at the weekend.The piece of art depicting a war battle was hanging in a hallway. It is worth around 30,000 Euros.Police are investigating how the thieves managed to snatch the painting without the venue’s alarm system – with which it was secured – going off.This incident occurred just weeks after priceless paintings by an iconic Austrian artist, Ernst Fuchs, resurfaced four months after being stolen.”Architectura Caelestis – Monstranz” and “Der Gekreuzigte zwischen dem Versucher und dem Engel der Tröstung” by the 80 year old artist and spearhead of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism were found mysteriously returned to the garden of a weekend lodge in the province of Burgenland owned by the head of the artist’s foundation.The unharmed works – which were sealed in a plastic film and wrapped up in cardboard by the unidentified offenders – are worth around half a million Euros each.