Brit triathlete gives chase to campsite car thieves

Would-be car thieves did a runner when the triathlon athlete owner was woken by the noise they made.Police in Schönbühel, Lower Austria, said today (Tues) they were investigating after Saturday night’s incident in which an unidentified trio stole car keys and mobile phones from the British couple sleeping in a tent at a local camping site.Carl P. was woken by the noise of the criminals trying to start his car engine parked next to the tent he was sleeping in with 42-year-old girlfriend Monica D.When he emerged from his tent, the would-be thieves legged with the 30-year-old – who planned to participate in the St. Pölten triathlon – in hot pursuit.Easily catching up with them he was then attacked with pepper spray.The thieves escaped with the car keys and mobile phones.