Quiet Easter weekend on Lower Austrian roads

Almost 1,500 traffic accidents happened over the Easter weekend in Lower Austria.Officials however said today (Mon) the holidays had been “relatively quiet” as far as the number of car crashes was concerned.Stefan Spielbichler, a spokesman for rescue officials in Austria’s biggest province, said no one had died on Lower Austrian roads since Good Friday.The Federal Committee for Traffic Safety (KfV) announced recently that the number of people dying in traffic accidents across Austria declined year on year in 2009.The institution said 633 people had been killed on roads in the country’s nine provinces last year, down by 6.8 per cent year on year. The number is the lowest since the start of standardised traffic accident records in 1961.KfV said 37,925 accidents in which people had been injured had occurred in 2009, down by 3.2 per cent compared to the previous year.