Bisamberg Dirndl Party

By John MorrisBisamberg may have lost one attraction after the giant TV mast was destroyed recently – but it will gain another, at least for a day, when a traditional “Dirndl” party takes place on Saturday 10th April with Miss Austria Celine Roschek.Bisamberg entrepreneurs Christina Hladik and Renate Knorr are staging the town’s first
“Dirndl” party to show that the region still has a lot to offer from traditional roots through to fine wines.“Dirndl” is the
Austrian word for the traditional female dress – feminine and attractive with distinctive designs for every region in the country. It is designed to flatter the figure – and may be why Dirndl is also the synonym for “girl”.Miss
Austria Celine Roschek will be there adding glamour to the day, which brings
together several of the local wine producers in this celebration of traditional
Austrian dress and culture.Christina Hladik, who runs the Hladik Wine Cellar with its
spectacular view over the rolling hills North of Vienna, said: “We want to celebrate Bisamberg’s traditional heritage and throw a party for
the traditional “Dirndl” dress for this region”. The event starts at 3pm with a
brass band opening followed by a fashion parade of “Dirndls” by local models.
Children under 16 are treated to free water and fruit juice whilst adults may
partake in the excellent wines of which the region is renowned. It promises
to be a great occasion welcoming in spring with the traditional flare of the
figure enhancing Dirndls.

Dirndl vom Bisamberg

10. April 2010 from 15.00.

Schlossveranstaltungshalle Bisamberg

Bisamberg, Schlossgasse 1