Kampusch attends Eichinger funeral service

Natascha Kampusch remained tight-lipped over whether a film project about her life was now in doubt due to the death of producer Bernd Eichinger as she attended his funeral service.Hundreds of people gathered at the Church of St. Michael in Munich, Germany, yesterday (Mon) in commemoration of the celebrated film director and producer who died of a heart attack while having dinner with friends in Los Angeles, USA, aged 61 last month.Some of Germany’s biggest movie stars such as Veronica Ferres, Martina Gedeck, Thomas Kretschmann and Bruno Ganz attended the service.Kampusch also travelled to Munich to pay her last respect to Eichinger who masterminded a movie portraying her life in imprisonment. The as yet untitled film was scheduled to be in cinemas next year. Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet and Karoline Herfurth (“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”) were tipped to star in the leading role.Kampusch, 21, refused to answer any questions over whether the project will be delayed or abandoned due to Eichinger’s death. A spokesman for the German’s movie company Constantin said recently it was too early for any statements on the future of the film. Pre-shooting preparations for the film started last year.Eichinger produced blockbusters like “The Neverending Story” and “The Name of the Rose”.Kampusch was abducted on her way to school by pervert Wolfgang Priklopil in Vienna in 1998. She fled his clutches in 2006. Priklopil killed himself only hours after Kampusch managed to escape his house in Strasshof an der Nordbahn, Lower Austria.Her autobiography “3,096 Tage” (3,096 Days) made eighth place in last year’s chart for the sale of non-fiction books in Austria.