Artistic critics wanted

We are expanding our coverage of arts, culture and lifestyle and are looking for reviewers and correspondents not just in Vienna but around the country interested in contributing articles in this area.Editor David Rogers said: “Austria is the cultural heartland of Europe – and it is only proper that the country’s cultural heritage is properly covered by the international language. As Austria’s first and largest English-language daily news service we want to make sure that we offer this service.”We are expanding our cultural and lifestyle team in cooperation with the Best of Vienna blog, one of the leading weblogs about Vienna. Those interested should have a special knowledge of the type of artistic, cultural and lifestyle events that they wish to cover, passion for their work and excellent English.” And David added: “People with previous experience tend to have bad habits that need to be unlearned – and we are hoping to have new talents that will bring a fresh approach once we have offered our in – house training and advice.” Those accepted on a trial basis will be given training in writing reviews and critics and the basics of journalism.   Those who are successfully published will eventually be offered journalist accreditation and positions with the paper.David Rogers added: “We are not looking for professional reviewers – we want people with passion who love what they want to write about and work for an international audience.” Anyone interested should write to Maria at