The Vienna Stadtkino cinema gets new location from September

The Vienna Stadtkino cinema is to move from its current location to the Vienna Künstlerhaus from September.

This move ends years of discussions about the future of the cinema and should signalise improvements for the cinema goers as well as all those involved in the cinema.

The Stadtkino has been located on Vienna’s Schwarzenbergplatz for the past thirty years, but now is to move to a much more modern and completely digitalised building. It is also an advantage for the Künstlerhaus which also gains a cinema, which will show high quality films all year round.

Work will be carried out on the  Künstlerhauskino to bring it up to date and some architectural changes will be necessary.

Culture Minister Andreas Mailath-Pokorny fromt he SPÖ said: “Moving the Stadtkino to the Künstlerhaus will bring advantages for everyone particularly culture lovers in Vienna.”
The cinema goers will profit from the better location on Karlsplatz.

Architect Gabu Heindl who is responsible for the changes on the new building said: “Every good cinema needs a foyer with an urban feel. The gastro area is also being redesigned.

There will also be an outdoor seating area. There will b a big bar and a kitchen area.
“Ludwig and Adele” from Vorarlberg are responsible for the culinary aspect.

The modifications are estimated to cost according to the Stadtkino Director Claus Philipp around 500,000 Euro. 80,000 Euro are coming from the state, 200,000 Euro from the Künstlerhaus business initiative and 200,000 Euros from their own funds.

The official opening will take place on September 26th with three film premieres – Nicolas Philiberts „La maison de la radio”,„Fahrtwind – Aufzeichnungen einer Reisenden” by Bernadette Weigel and „Harmony Lessons – Uroki Garmonii” by Emir Baigazin.