Sweet 2010 figures for Darbo

Austrian jam and honey producer Adolf Darbo AG (Darbo) has achieved a five per cent year on year turnover increase in 2010.The company – which is based in Stans, Tyrol – said today (Fri) that its turnover was 107.65 million Euros last year, adding that 21 per cent of its annual turnover was generated in Germany.Darbo added that it exported 42 per cent of its products in the past year, up from 39.6 per cent in 2009.The firm also said that it sold more jam and honey in all but one of the countries in which it is sold. Russia was the only market to see a drop in sales, while places like Italy and China were among the many to experience a sales increase.Darbo, which currently has 288 employees (December 2009: 284), explained that it will wait until this summer to decide on price increases. Several rivals upped their customer prices in the past few months due to fruit harvest declines and rising sugar prices.