Homeless man dead after attempted arrest

A female police officer accidentally killed a homeless man by shoving him down a flight of stairs.

On Monday night, workers of the charity DOWAS for homeless people in Bregenz, Vorarlberg called the police after trying to eject a drunk homeless woman from the charity’s emergency night shelter, DOWAS boss Michael Dittrich said.

When the policeĀ  arrived, two homeless men aged 31 and 52 tried to prevent them from ejecting the woman. When the police tried to hand cuff the woman, the 52-year-old man protectively stepped in front of her after which one police officer pushed the man with her hand causing him to fall down three steps and seriously injuring his head.

After first aid measures by emergency doctors the man was rushed to a hospital in Feldkirch where he died yesterday (Thu).

The Vorarlberg state prosecution ordered a post mortem. Siegbert Denz, head of the Vorarlberg police said today (Fri) that the police action was conducted without error which no party was denying.

He added that the involved cops were receiving psychological treatment.