Majority of Austrians support euthanasia

General News

Sixty-two per cent of Austrians support euthanasia by doctors for patients who request it, the results of a new poll commissioned by Graz Medical University released today (Weds) show.The percentage is 13 percentage points higher than in 2000, it said.In the poll, 66 per cent of men and 58.5 per cent of women said they […]

Killer brands judge Nazi swine as appeal fails

General News

A Bulgarian jailed for life for the murder of two Austrians branded a judge “Nazi swine” as he lost an appeal against his sentence yesterday (Mon).Vienna Appelate Court (OLG) yesterday (Mon) rejected killer Tsvetan Rangelov’s appeal of his life sentence for the murder of two Austrians last year.Ingrid Jelinek, the chairwoman of the court’s three […]

German skier found dead on edge of piste

General News

A German skier was found lying dead on the edge of a piste yesterday (Mon) at the Seekarspitz ski area in the Obertauern mountains in Salzburg province.Police said other skiers, including three doctors, and a rescue team had tried to vain to revive the man, 41. Rescuers took his body down to the valley floor.Police […]

High Court confirms Holocaust denier Honsik’s conviction

General News

The Austrian High Court (OGH) has confirmed Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik’s conviction for spreading Nazi ideology.It emerged today (Tues) that the conviction had been confirmed in a private session several weeks ago.Vienna Appellate Court (OLG) will issue a ruling on 1 March on the question of whether his five-year sentence is long enough, OLG spokesman […]

Hungarian crushed between lorries in Upper Austria

General News

A 50-year-old Hungarian was seriously injured yesterday (Thurs) when he was crushed between the trailer of a passing lorry and his own near Suben in Upper Austria’s Schärding district.Police said today the Hungarian and a 34-year-old fellow countryman were putting chains on their lorry when the trailer of a passing Polish lorry slid off Subener […]

Truck with 11 tonnes of blood-plasma stolen en route to Austria

General News

A truck carrying 11 tonnes of blood-plasma stolen in Berlin while en route to Austria has been found in Poland and safely returned to the country.Police said yesterday (Thurs) that the driver of a Lower Austrian freighter’s truck with Mödling license plates had picked up the load of plasma from the USA on 5 February […]

Polish lorry thief arrested

General News

Polish police used a signal from a black box in a stolen lorry to locate and arrest a Polish man yesterday (Weds) who had burglarised a car repair firm in Strasshof an der Nordbahn in Lower Austria’s Gänserndorf district Tuesday night.Lower Austrian police said today the man had driven the lorry loaded with items stolen […]

Pole gets three years for rape and robberies

General News

A criminal court in Krems, Lower Austria, today (Thurs) sentenced a Polish man to three years in prison for the rape of a 66-year-old woman and several robberies.It emerged in court that the 42-year old Pole had confessed after his arrest in Lower Austria’s Waldviertel area in November 2009.Judge Andrea Hüttl ordered the unemployed defendant […]

More than eight in ten want tougher dog laws

General News

More than eighty per cent of Austrians want tougher dangerous dog laws, a new survey has shown.Pollsters Oekonsult interviewed 1,117 people for its research as a referendum over whether a so-called dog keepers’ licence should be introduced starts tomorrow (Thurs) in Vienna.The Oekonsult poll shows 83 per cent of the questioned backed “restrictive law changes […]

Church speaks out after Wagner comments on earthquake

General News

Senior Catholic figures in Austria have been forced to speak out after controversial comments by an ultra-conservative pastor over the Haiti earthquake.Pastor Gerhard Maria Wagner had claimed 90 per cent of Haitians practised voodoo in an interview published in the newspaper Kurier on Sunday when he was asked if the Haitian earthquake had been God’s […]