Pole gets three years for rape and robberies

A criminal court in Krems, Lower Austria, today (Thurs) sentenced a Polish man to three years in prison for the rape of a 66-year-old woman and several robberies.It emerged in court that the 42-year old Pole had confessed after his arrest in Lower Austria’s Waldviertel area in November 2009.Judge Andrea Hüttl ordered the unemployed defendant to pay the rape victim 800 Euros. She has been in psychological counselling since the attack. He was also given an order banning him from Austria until 2013.The Pole entered the Waldviertel region from the Czech Republic last November “to look for work,” in his words, but instead turned to crime and broke into a number of residences and businesses. He also stole two cars before raping the woman on 25 November while she was taking a walk.The Pole told the court he had wanted to go to Italy to look for work. He had no answer when asked by the judge why he had not done so in one of the stolen cars.