Killer brands judge Nazi swine as appeal fails
A Bulgarian jailed for life for the murder of two Austrians branded a judge “Nazi swine” as he lost an appeal against his sentence yesterday (Mon).Vienna Appelate Court (OLG) yesterday (Mon) rejected killer Tsvetan Rangelovs appeal of his life sentence for the murder of two Austrians last year.Ingrid Jelinek, the chairwoman of the courts three judge senate, said: “The sentence can only be life in prison.”By that time, however, Rangelov was no longer present. When Jelinek had announced that his appeal had been rejected, he stormed out of the courtroom yelling “Nazi swine.”Jelinek added that Rangelov had murdered the two Austrians “in cold blood” from pure avarice.”A court in Korneuburg, Lower Austria, had sentenced Rangelov, 48, to life in prison for the murders of Christoph Timm, 50, and his wife Monika, 49, who ran a popular “Heuriger” wine tavern in the town of Pachfurth, on Easter Monday last year.He was also convicted of attempted murder after he blasted their 21-year-old daughter Tamara in the back during the attack and of robbery for having taken 1,000 Euros from the taverns till.Rangelov denied killing the couple but was convicted after DNA samples taken at the crime scene matched his and after the couples daughter Tamara who was severely injured in the attack had identified him. She survived the attack by pretending to be dead after she was shot.Prosecutors said Rangelov a provincial leader of Bulgarian ultra-nationalist party Ataka had tried to rob the wine tavern and shot the couple as they defended themselves.He fled to Bulgaria after the murders but was arrested there several weeks later and extradited to Austria in July.