Political scientist says Rosenkranz bid will not harm Austria’s reputation


The candidacy of Barbara Rosenkranz in the upcoming presidential elections will not damage Austria’s reputation abroad, a top political scientist has said.Salzburg-based Reinhard Heinisch, who lived and lectured in the United States for many years, said yesterday (Sun): “Austria is a relatively small and unimportant country. It is a problem Austria is getting linked with […]

Nazi era mass grave discovered in Graz

General News

The bodies of 77 people were probably buried by the Nazis on the grounds of Graz’ Belgier barracks, where the Nazi SS’ Wetzelsdorf barracks was located, it emerged yesterday (Weds).Social Democratic (SPÖ) Defence Minister Norbert Darabos presented news of the finding yesterday.Historian Dieter Binder, the chairman of the military history memorial commission, said the victims […]