OGH vice president was driver killed in car crash

General News

The victim of a freak car crash has been revealed as the deputy head of the Federal High Court (OGH).The OGH announced today (Mon) that Josef Gerstenecker died instantly when his car crashed against a bridge pier on the S6 main road near Neunkirchen, Lower Austria, last night.The 63-year-old’s vehicle is a write-off. The 20-year-old […]

Fake suicide gets four years for child abuse

General News

A pensioner who faked his own suicide to escape a sex abuse trial was sentenced to four years in prison on Friday.A court in Korneuburg, Lower Austria, heard how Helmut B. was found alive and well at an Upper Austrian monastery months after being declared dead.The 68-year-old staged his own suicide by jumping off a […]