Sean Penn calls for Haiti investments


Hollywood star Sean Penn has claimed Haiti is a good place for investments.The actor’s J/P Haitian Relief Organization ( has set up around 200,000 all-weather tents in the country which was hit by a massive earthquake one year ago.Penn told Austrian magazine News: “Every company of the Western World can make a profit in six […]

Ministry gives ‘disgraceful’ €200,000 for Pakistan aid


The Austrian agriculture ministry has come under fire for providing just 200,000 Euros of immediate aid for victims of flooding in Pakistan.Max Santner, head of the international aid department of the Austrian Red Cross (ÖRK), branded the ministry’s decision to provide 200,000 Euros as “disgraceful”.He added: “I hope this amount is not everything to come […]

Austrian women artists for Haiti


By John MorrisAn exhibition and auction by a leading Austrian artist raised 4,500 Euros for female victims of the Haiti earthquake.Mara Stamenkovic opened an exhibition at Vienna’s Palais Coburg on Monday, International Women’s Day, and used the occasion as an opportunity to help the victims of the disaster, which claimed almost 200,000 lives.The exhibition, entitled […]