Crisis clouds force Xolar into bankruptcy


An Upper Austrian producer of solar collectors has gone bust, it emerged today (Mon).The Austrian Creditors’ Protection Association (KSV 1870) said Eberstalzell-based Xolar had debts of nearly four million Euros. KSV 1870 added that 74 employees and 100 creditors were affected.Xolar was taken over by Upper Austrian Greiner Group (Greiner Technology & Innovation, GTI) last […]

Greiner Group suffers a decline in turnover


Plastics manufacturer Greiner Group reported that its turnover had declined by eight per cent year on year to 1.031 billion Euros in 2009 yesterday (Thurs) evening.Board members Axel Greiner and Axel Kühner said the decline had been moderate given the financial crisis and attributed it to the effect of fluctuations in currency-exchange rates.They added that […]

Truck with 11 tonnes of blood-plasma stolen en route to Austria

General News

A truck carrying 11 tonnes of blood-plasma stolen in Berlin while en route to Austria has been found in Poland and safely returned to the country.Police said yesterday (Thurs) that the driver of a Lower Austrian freighter’s truck with Mödling license plates had picked up the load of plasma from the USA on 5 February […]