350,000 Austrians are alcoholics


Five percent of all Austrians – 350,000 people above the age of 16 – are addicted to alcohol. According to a current survey of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), this meant direct medical costs of around 375 million Euros in 2011. Indirect costs of chronic diseases like early retirement, absence from work etc. are […]

Nigerian €300,000 drug smugglers caught at VIA

General News

Custom officials have arrested two drug couriers trying to smuggle illegal substances worth 300,000 into Austria.Police said today (Tues) that two Nigerians were arrested after Vienna International Airport (VIA) officers discovered 2.7 kilograms of heroin and cocaine inside their bodies and weaved into their underwear.The men aged 37 and 35 arrived at Austria’s biggest airport […]

Truffles offence extends Austrian’s stay in Croatia

General News

A Viennese man has been fined in Croatia for trying to take purchased truffles to Austria.Klaus H. told Austrian newspapers today (Fri) he had been unaware that every export of the delicacy – he bought 130 grams for 60 Euros at a market – must be reported to Croatian officials.The 44-year-old was ordered to spend […]