Crime-solving rate remains low

General News

Austrian police failed to significantly improve their success rate last year, new figures show.Federal Crime Office (BK) director Franz Lang announced today (Tues) the number of reported crimes declined by 9.4 per cent year on year in 2010 to 535,745 cases. Lang also said police in Austria’s nine provinces managed to solve 41.4 per cent […]

One in five firms hit by business crimes, says expert


One in five companies are affected by business felonies, according to an internationally-linked detectives body.Karl Stephan Novak of the European Detectives Association (EURODET) said today (Fri) around 20 per cent of companies with more than 250 employees have become victims of business crimes.Novak – who stressed that the dark figure was expected to be significantly […]

Own staff commit vast number of business crimes, say experts


The overwhelming majority of business crimes are carried out by firms’ own employees, it has been disclosed.KPMG Forensic-Team Senior Manager Dieter Stangl-Krieder said at a business event in Vienna last night (Tues) research has shown that own staff was responsible for almost 90 per cent of felonies like accounting fraud, embezzlement and money laundering at […]