‘Austrian tax evasion whistleblower’ dies in Swiss jail

General News

An Austrian tax evasion whistleblower has been found dead in his prison cell, a local newspaper has claimed.Kronen Zeitung revealed today (Fri) the Tyrolean passed away in his cell in a jail in Winterthur, Switzerland.The Vienna daily claimed Swiss authorities have refused to give out any further information on the incident. It also reports that […]

Camcorder prices plunge


Camcorder prices have plummeted, an electronic consumer goods website reports.Experts from Geizhals.at, a price comparison platform, said today (Tues) camcorders were 27 per cent cheaper between April and June compared to the first quarter of this year.They added that prices for Blu-ray disc players dropped by an average 13.1 per cent in the second quarter […]