Unlucky Raich misses out on medals

Benjamin Raich failed to win bronze in today’s (Mon) World Championship Super-Combined event by a fraction of a second.The Tyrolean skier came fourth, just 27 hundredths of a second behind Italian Peter Fill. Norwegian 2010 Olympic Games Super-G champion Aksel Lund Svindal won the event ahead of Fill’s compatriot Christof Innerhofer.At 12th Joachim Puchner from Salzburg was second-best Austrian in the competition in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, which consists of one downhill race and a slalom.Elisabeth Görgl did better yesterday when she won the Women’s Downhill ahead of Lindsey Vonn from the United States and Germany’s Maria Riesch. Görgl, from the Austrian province of Styria, already came first in the Super-G earlier last week.With three gold and two silver medals, Austria leads the World Champs’ medals ranking of the ahead of Italy and Canada.Five more races are due later this week, with Wednesday’s team event up next. Austrian state broadcaster ORF and cable and satellite TV station Eurosport screen all competitions live.