Werner Faymann says he had hard time with British PM

The Austrian Chancellor has accused British Prime Minister David Cameron of speaking differently to the British public than he does in private with the European Council.

The comments were made by Chancellor Werner Faymann during an interview with DerStandard newspaper.

“Why I have a hard time with David Cameron, also in a personal relationship and when it comes to trust, is because I get the feeling with him that he speaks differently in his own country than he does in the European Council,” Faymann said.

“Everyone forgoes these polemics as a rule. And there are really very few exceptions where someone or other tries to play the victor afterwards.”

Faymann did not specify on what subject he was referring but his comments come as Britain debates their membership in the European Union.

Members of the Conservative party are calling for Cameron to announce a date for holding a referendum about EU membership, although the business and financial industry in the country is generally against leaving Europe.