Austria freezes Gaddafi fortune

Austria has blocked all assets of the Libyan Gaddafi clan in the country, it has been confirmed.The Austrian National Bank (OeNB) appealed on the country’s banks to block the deposits of 26 people including Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, his wife, their eight children and high-profile military and secret service chiefs.The OeNB said it estimated the Gaddafi family and their allies had assets of around 1.2 billion Euros on Austrian bank accounts. The financial institute acted on order of the Austrian government of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the People’s Party (ÖVP) who agreed with a resolution of the European Union (EU).The EU decided to freeze all assets of the Gaddafi clan after the politician’s regime killed hundreds of Libyan citizens who took to the streets to call for democracy. The United States of America decided to block accounts holding around 22 billion Euros.Carinthian Freedom Party (FPK) Governor Gerhard Dörfler suggested to use the Gaddafis’ fortune stashed in accounts in Austria for care of refugees from Libya.The Libyan embassy in Vienna meanwhile branded the “suppression and deliberate killings of the Libyan people” as “horrible and incredible”. The embassy also appealed in political leaders around the world to get aid for the people of the country underway.