Austrian Wolfgang Puck caters for the Oscars for the 18th time

For numerous years now Austrian born Chef Wolfgang Puck has catered for the Oscars. Star actors and actresses have enjoyed the 62-year-old’s award winning fare at the Governor’s Ball which follows on from the prestigious Academy Awards for the last 18 years.

Born in Carinthia in 1949, Wolfgang Puck learnt to cook from his Austrian mother before he moved to the United States aged 25. The Austro-American chef opened his award winning restaurant Spago in Beverly Hills in 1997 with the Wolfgang Puck empire now running more than 20 fine dining restaurants. One of the highlights of his career however is undoubtedly his role as the official Oscars caterer.

Puck and his team of 350 culinary helpers created more than 50 dishes this year for the countless celebrities using, according to the BBC, some 5 kilograms of caviar, 657 kilograms of lobster and 11 kilograms of his infamous edible gold Oscar awards, to create the ultimate spread.

According to Puck the dinner this year was rather more informal than at previous Oscar events with hearty beef burgers and chicken pot pie reportedly appearing on the menu. Guests also got to enjoy his treats on sofas and cosy chairs as opposed to the more traditional seated fine dining.

The star chef from the small town of Sankt Veit an der Glan in Austria claimed however that the strict Hollywood diets of the celebrites are not normally an issue. “The diets are stuck to in the weeks running up to the Oscars. By the time the ceremony comes along they are very hungry,” explained Puck.