Recycling-endorsing Austrians claim clean record

A vast majority of Austrians claim to engage in recycling their garbage, it was revealed today (Tues).A study carried out by the European Commission (EC) shows that 97 per cent of Austrians say they recycle some of their household waste. This share helps Austria to a joint first place among the 27 member states of the European Union (EU) alongside Germany, Luxembourg and Slovenia.The Eurobarometer poll shows that an average 89 per cent of EU citizens recycle. Bulgaria records the lowest share as only 57 per cent of its citizens say they do so.The survey also reveals that 51 per cent of Austrians think they produce too much rubbish. The group of people saying the same is only larger in Cyprus (57 per cent) and Spain with 52 per cent (EU average: 41 per cent).Eurostat, the EC’s statistic authority, announced recently that every EU citizen created 513 kilograms of garbage per year.