Austrian women reveal men’s struggles to perform in bed

One in four Austrian men have erection problems, according to a survey among 2,500 women.Twenty-five per cent of Austrian women aged 18 and older said their partners often have difficulties performing in bed.The study – carried out by Viagra producer Pfizer’s Austrian department – also shows that 71 per cent of Austrian women in relationships  would like to have sex at least once a week. Fewer than six out of 10 women were however having sex that often, the firm said today (Fri).The company found that 53 per cent of German women living in a partnership had sex at least once a week, while 68 per cent of their Spanish counterparts and more than eight in 10 (81 per cent) of women in Portugal said the same.These findings come shortly after a poll conducted by dating agency Parship Austria showed that 20 per cent of male Austrian singles would accuse their future girlfriends of being unfaithful if they flirt with someone else. The study also showed that just one in 10 single women think the same way.Researcher IFES said last month it found that 69 per cent of single Austrian men and 60 per cent of single Austrian women would like to be in a relationship. The public opinion firm said 24 per cent of Austrian adults were single.Architects are the most favoured future partners of single women ahead of doctors (21 per cent) and teachers (18 per cent) as far as professions are regarded, according to Parship Austria.