German pirate funds himself by prostitution

A German politician for the newly-formed Pirate party is earning his money through a 49 per cent share in a brothel in upper Austria.

Tobias Wandinger, 30, was elected to the Feldmoching-Hasenbergl District Council in Bavaria in Germany recently.

But it has now emerged that the newly elected politician is also earning his money from prostitution – although he claims he is merely providing the premises and is not really involved in the day-to-day running of the business.

He said: “I do visited occasionally but only on a professional basis – I don’t obviously use any of the services offered there.”

And although the news of his red light routes is making headlines in Germany it’s not the first time the colourful MP has been in the news.

He was originally a member of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in northern Munich but was forced out after he was caught out making a bomb scare in 2008 “in the name of Allah” to delay a plane at Verona Airport, in Italy.

He later admitted that he wanted to stop a flight leaving for Munich so that he could catch it and eventually he was caught and arrested but escaped charges when he paid a fine and compensation to the airline.

But the stunt cost him his position at the CSU so from there he went to the Pirate party, and back into politics.

His foray into prostitution started in 2007 when he built the hotel together with the Austrian contractor Josef Ettinger in the Ried im Traunkreis district, by the Pyhrn highway as an ordinary hotel. The property has 88 beds.

“But the hotel business did not go very well,” Wandinger admits.

In 2009 it filed for bankruptcy, and together with a new partner, Alexander Gehardinger, the hotel was turned into a brothel business with Wandinger and Gehardinger as partners in the “Laufhus A9” brothel.

A website for the brothel says that the girls photographs are on the doors and there’s no need to come up with any clever lines – just make your pick and get down to business.

And BMP is a caring employer – the website says “The women rent space in the house, and work independently” – and also “always with protection”.

Wandinger added: “I don’t mind about the fact that it’s a brothel, as long as I get my share, it doesn’t matter to me.”