Flock of sheep stolen

A whole herd of sheep has been reported as stolen in Lower Austria.

A Langenlois-based farmer informed the local police force that his 65 sheep have disappeared. Officials said today (Fri)that he got in touch with them on Wednesday. The animals are worth around 16,000 Euros, according to a spokesman for the police in Krems.

It is thought that the theft could have something to do with the increase of food prices all over Europe. It occurred shortly after a cow was stolen from a meadow in the Lower Austrian district of Neunkirchen. Meanwhile, police in Imst, Tyrol, said that two calves which disappeared from a pasture could have been stolen too.

Five people were caught trying to steal metal from a company estate in Kemeten, Burgenland, on Wednesday. Two men from Serbia were put in custody by traffic police in Nickelsdorf, Burgenland, for transporting construction equipment reported as stolen in Switzerland. Winter tyres worth 35,000 Euros were also nicked from a firm in Fürnitz near Villach, Carinthia, last weekend.