Boar ends up in cesspit

Fire fighters called to save a couple from drowning in a cesspool found a wild boar stuck in the mud.

Firemen rushed to a farm in Thalheim near Wels in Upper Austria yesterday (Thurs) after a caller claimed the owners of the estate were about to die in a liquid manure tank. However, all the fire fighters encountered was a boar fighting for its life. They managed to drag the unharmed animal out of the tank to release it into nearby woods from where it may have emerged looking for food.

It is unclear who set off the mysterious call claiming that the farmer and his wife were at risk. Local police did not disclose whether they were investigating the matter.

Only last month, fire fighters fished a pregnant cow out of a septic tank in Lasberg, Upper Austria. The heifer ended up in there after fighting with a rival, according to its owner. The cow was unharmed in the incident.