Burning schnitzel oil puts woman in clinic

A woman suffered serious burns when a pan of boiling oil caught fire yesterday (Mon).The 22-year-old wanted to prepare schnitzels for herself and a male friend, 22, at his apartment in Villach, Carinthia. She sustained burns on both her hands and face when she threw the burning pan on the balcony. The woman is recovering in the city’s LKH Clinic. Fire-fighters said today that the blaze, which spread in the kitchen after the cooking accident, caused damage of 20,000 Euros.Meanwhile, officials in Upper Austria announced that a 47-year-old who suffered serious burns when a petrol canister exploded has died. Police in Linz, where the man underwent treatment for his wounds, said the worker passed away on Wednesday – three days after the work accident in a forest near Großalm in the province’s Vöcklabruck district.