Italian jailed for human trafficking

A 35-year-old Italian has been sentenced to jail for human trafficking.The man was caught trying to smuggle four illegal immigrants from Afghanistan to Germany last year. He reportedly asked for 400 to 500 Euros from each of the men to get them to Rosenheim in Bavaria. He was arrested during a traffic check in the Austrian province of Tyrol.The Italian was ordered to spend 18 months behind bars by a court in Innsbruck today (Fri). The defendant’s lawyer did not say whether his client ask juridical authorities to allow him to serve the term in a prison in his home country as is possible under European Union (EU) law.Around 11,000 people applied for political asylum in Austria last year. Just under 22 per cent of the 15,800 refugees who came to Austria in 2009 were granted asylum by the country’s authorities.