Eight in 10 cancer kids cured

Nearly 80 per cent of children suffering from cancer in Austria nowadays make a full recovery, it has been announced.An Austrian Children’s Cancer Charity (Österreichische Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe) said today (Mon) that 80 per cent of Austrian kids suffering from different forms of the disease 40 year ago died. The statistic has now been turned on its head, as today the the same percentage of patients are cured due to various awareness campaigns and new ways of treatment discovered by scientific research.Cancer is still the second-most common cause of death of children younger than 14 with 10 per cent behind accidents (44 per cent), according to the charity, which released these facts to mark tomorrow’s International Childhood Cancer Day. Around 250,000 kids around the world and approximately 250 Austrian children get cancer every year.Only last December, Austrian statistic authority Statistik Austria said nearly every third woman who dies from breast cancer in Austria is aged between 50 and 69. More than 4,700 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in Austria in 2008.Organisers of the Pink Ribbon Run 2011 hope to raise awareness of the dangers of the disease. The event will happen in Vienna on 16 April, one day before the 28th Vienna City Marathon (VCM) – Austria’s biggest sports competition takes place. To sign up for the VCM, visit www.vienna-marathon.com