Oldest killer evades prison in Austria

A woman tagged as Austria’s oldest murderer will not be extradited after she fled to Poland, the country of her birth, it has emerged.Bronislawa Jarosz was sentenced to 18 years in prison for killing her neighbour in 2007. The Polish-born woman stole jewellery and four bottles of wine after beating Austrian Maria P., 78, to death in Korneuburg.After only 10 months behind bars, the pensioner was controversially allowed to spend the remainder of her spell under house arrest after a doctor decided she was unfit for life behind bars.The physician’s verdict was overturned last year by another consulted medical expert. The 83-year-old murderer’s daughter told police that her mother had gone on a pilgrimage to the Vatican when they came to take her back to jail last November. Jarosz was arrested in Krakow, southern Poland, four weeks later.It has since been unclear whether Polish authorities will extradite the woman, but Polish authorities explained today (Fri) that the woman opted to serve the rest of her sentence in a prison in her homeland when offered this as an alternative to extradition to Austria.Officials did not say whether they will ask a doctor to check her condition again. Reports say that Jarosz – who claims she suffers from ventricular fibrillation – may be allowed to spend the outstanding 18 years of her spell under house arrest.