Thieves collared after fuel blunder

Bungling crooks were arrested after tapping the wrong kind of petrol from a parked car.The Slovakian pair – aged 26 and 28 – stole three satellite navigation systems, four tyres and licence plates from parked cars in northern Burgenland before heading towards the Austrian-Slovakian border on Monday.They drilled a hole into a parked car’s sheathing to tap petrol from its tank to fuel their own vehicle – and were arrested during a random traffic check in Neusiedl am See after their normal petrol-guzzling car broke down since the nicked fuel was diesel.The gangsters, now in custody in Eisenstadt prison awaiting charges, confessed their offences to policemen.One officer said today (Thurs): “The theft of the licence plates indicates that they had plans to fuel up their car at a petrol station after closing time – and then got cold feet and tapped a parked vehicle instead.”