Monthly bicycle flea market at Währinger Straße

Right now at Vienna’s Workshop- and Cultural centre (WUK) a bicycle flea market takes place every month. In the courtyard, bikes can be purchased for a good price, and sold for the same.

For one and a half years, the “Bicycle Self-help Workshop Organisation” has hosted the bicycle flea market. The market takes place on the first Wednesday of every month at Währinger Straße. “The organisation noticed a demand for cheap, used bikes and that there were people who felt that they had one or two too many bikes and would like to sell them,” says WUK’s Hanna Sohm to regarding the idea for the flea market.

The market brings sellers and buyers and has become somewhat of a meeting place for bicycle interested people, says Sohm. Buyers can find bikes and buy them on location to bring them home afterwards. Through the market, they come in contact with buyers and can speak to them directly if they have any questions.

Whoever is interested in selling their bike can just bring it to the market and register him- or herself with a photo ID. The price is decided by the seller, and ten per cent go to the market organisers as a sales commission.

After the market, around 18:00, the sellers have to return to the market to collect their money for sold bikes or to recover bikes that were not sold. If the seller does not return, the money or the bikes go directly to the WUK.

The WUK also host weekly workshop hours during the afternoons and early evenings every Monday through Wednesday. The cyclists can bring their own bikes and tools, and the organisation employees are there to help – but not to do the work for them. “With the money we finance the organisation and buy new tools,” says Sohm.

The next flea market will take place on the 2nd of May between 15:00 and 19:00.

The WUK was founded in 1983.