Nicholson angered by flopped hash legalisation bid

Hollywood legend Jack Nicholson has expressed outrage that marijuana was not legalised in California last year.The actor told Austrian magazine Live he was “angry” that an appeal to make the consumption of small amounts of the drug legal did not get enough support in the US American state’s legislature last November.Attempts by Austrian-born Arnold Schwarzenegger – whose second and final term as governor of California ended earlier this month – tried to convince political allies and opponents that crime will not rise if smoking cannabis is allowed.”Eighty per cent of all prisoners serve terms for minor drug offences. This costs us 40,000 US dollars per capita annually,” said Nicholson – who rose to fame when he starred in 1969 movie “Easy Rider”.The award-winning actor, 73, added: “I’m sick of stupid concerns that people fear their children would get drugs in front of schools had the law been passed. Kids do get drugs outside their schools these days – because they aren’t legal.”Nicholson – whose new film “How Do You Know” (Woher weißt du, dass es Liebe ist?) is on at cinemas across Austria now – also spoke out about his personal ups and downs.He said: “I’m doing alright. I don’t miss not being in love. What I do miss is not being loved. I’m not in a relationship at the moment. I’m too old to flirt with young chicks now – and I never thought I would ever say that.”The Los Angeles Lakers fan however also stressed he “lives in the here and now”. Nicholson said: “I’m one of those old guys who enjoy the moment. My motto is: more of the good times.”