State Opera pardons nude shots ballerina

A ballet dancer sacked by one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world after posing for photos naked has been given her job back.Karina Sarkissova was dismissed by heads of the Vienna State Opera after a series of nude photographs were published in men’s magazines Wiener and Penthouse.State Opera director Dominique Meyer pointed out last week that the Russian had been “warned” to avoid the photos from going into print. The Frenchman added the whole ballet crew was “shocked” on seeing the pictures. Some of the risqué photographs were taken inside the opera, and the ballet dancer reportedly did not ask bosses for permission.Now the blonde star – who is widely regarded as one of the best ballet dancers in the world – has been rehired. The State Opera announced today (Thurs) that it decided to pardon the mother of an eight-year-old son after she apologised.Sarkissova said: “I realised when I was fired that I was wrong to have had those pictures taken without the directors’ permission. I did not want to harm the State Opera’s reputation. Now I’m looking forward to do what I love the most: dancing.”It emerged only last week that the 27-year-old, who became a member of the opera house’s ballet aged 16, had been dismissed. In reaction she said: “I feel discriminated against as a woman by this decision. Our art (of dancing) is a symbiosis of power and aesthetic. This is what these photographs are portraying.”After her dismissal it was claimed by the international media that she had her pick of several offers from other operas around the world.