Vienna rules out Hrdlicka Museum

Vienna government leaders have dismissed appeals to set up a museum dedicated to the work of Alfred Hrdlicka.The late sculptor’s disappointed widow Angelina Sigmeth-Hrdlicka said yesterday (Tues): “I love the idea of a Hrdlicka Museum in Vienna. I think he would deserve it.”Sigmeth-Hrdlicka stressed her late husband’s output had been extensive.City officials however said they opposed the suggestion.A spokesman for Social Democratic (SPÖ) culture issues councillor Andreas Mailath-Pokorny claimed today that the tight financial frame would not allow the creation of a new museum. He added that it was not the city’s policy to dedicate museums to the work of just one artist.Hrdlicka is considered one of Austria’s most important artists of the 20th century. Most of his work dealing with topics such as war, fascism and belief caused heated public debate.A city centre square located between the Albertina Museum and the State Opera was recently renamed after the artist who passed away at the age of 81 in December.The Belvedere Museum in Landstraße distract currently hosts an exhibition of some of Hrdlicka’s most important sculptures.The exhibit will be on until 19 September. See for opening times and more information.