Majority unhappy with work-life balance

Fewer than one out of three Austrians are satisfied with their personal work-life balance.Just 30 per cent of questioned citizens said, they were pleased about how they reconciled their professional duties and family responsibilities.The Centre for Future Studies at the Fachhochschule college in Salzburg said today (Thurs), it also found that a majority of 53 per cent of people living in the western province of Vorarlberg were content about the amount of time they spent with their families and at work. The centre’s poll, however, also revealed that a meagre 14 per cent of Burgenland residents said the same.The researchers further found that few residents of Vienna (23 per cent) were happy with their work-life balance, while significantly more of the people living in Tyrol (47 per cent) were.These findings come shortly after personnel consulting firm Aon Hewitt said, it expected Austrian firms to pay their staff an average three per cent higher incomes this year than in 2010. Aon Hewitt said, it spoke with 42 bosses from various industries across Austria.