Upper Austrian haulier goes bust

A shipping company founded only three years ago has filed for bankruptcy.The Creditors’ Protection Association (KSV 1870) said today (Weds) Parzermair RFE – Sondertransport und Logistik GmbH (Parzermair) had debts of around 4.3 million Euros. KSV 1870 added that the haulier, which is based in Schwanenstadt in Upper Austria’s Vöcklabruck district, currently employed 35 staff. The authority said that 190 creditors were affected by the insolvency.The firm explained it had suffered a significant decline of turnover after the credit crunch. Parzermair assigned an external adviser in a bid to get back in the black last summer before opting for controlled bankruptcy procedures yesterday.News that the transport firm went bust comes shortly after Carinthian construction company AZ Bau filed for bankruptcy. Almost 200 creditors and 21 employees are concerned by the firm’s insolvency. AZ Bau has liabilities of 3.17 million Euros, according to KSV 1870.Around 6,400 firms went bust in Austria in 2010, down by 7.6 per cent year on year.