Doppelmayr satisfied despite less turnover

Michael Doppelmayr, head of transportation systems producer Doppelmayr Holding AG (Doppelmayr), has said he is “very satisfied” with the past business year.The internationally operating firm, which is based in the Vorarlberg town of Wolfurt, suffered a slight decline in turnover in the 2009/2010 business year from 615.7 to 603.2 million EurosThe company boss pointed out that the firm was affected by the crisis “but did well”.Doppelmayr said: “We lowered investments and handled the situation well.”He announced the company realised 117 orders in the past business year, adding that it benefited from the “crisis-resistant” Austrian tourism sector.Doppelmayr, which has around 2,600 employees, is the global market leader for ski lifts. It generates more than 80 per cent of its turnover with orders linked to the winter tourism industry.It was announced recently that the company’s American subsidiary DCC Doppelmayr Cable Car (DCC) is part of a consortium assigned to build a cable liner in the Californian city of Oakland for 121 million Euros.The service will connect Oakland International Airport and the Coliseum railway station, which is a major public transport hub in the city.