The government is disagreeing over whether the Federal Industry-Holding Stock Corporation (ÖIAG) should get involved in the handling of a major bankruptcy to save jobs. Social Democratic (SPÖ) General Secretary Günther Kräuter suggested yesterday (Sun) ÖIAG should be used as an “active industrial-political instrument” after it became clear on Friday that plans to carry out […]
New AUA boss warns rivals
The new Austrian Airlines (AUA) board chief has revealed plans to “create new alliances”. Jan Albrecht – who was elected by the supervisory board of AUA and its parent firm, Germany’s Lufthansa, yesterday (Thurs) – said he saw “a good opportunity” to approach the new heads of Flughafen Wien AG (FW) about how to cooperate […]
Anger as UPC considers sackings
Employee representatives are outraged as a cable TV and internet connection provider registered 90 workers with the Labour Market Service (AMS). Vienna-based UPC confirmed yesterday (Weds) that the staff could be dismissed. The firm argued it was in the middle of a “phase of restructuring”. UPC currently employs 1,000 staff, down from 1,100 last year. […]
Chinese tourists have spent 41 per cent more in Austrian shops so far this year than in 2010, according to research. Travel and shopping information firm Global Blue Austria said yesterday (Weds) holidaymakers from China invested 28 million Euros in stores of the alpine country. Especially expensive watches and jewellery were in great demand, according […]
OMV AG may shut dozens of petrol stations in Austria and Germany. Company chief Gerhard Roiss explained yesterday (Weds) the firm’s new efficiency programme should help save 700 million Euros by 2014. Roiss also said OMV would invest 2.4 billion Euros into its various fields of operation in the coming 10 years altogether. Roiss – […]
More interest by Russians and Swiss have helped the Viennese tourism sector to celebrate a new record. The city’s hotels counted 1.185 million overnight stays last month. Officials pointed out yesterday (Weds) Vienna had never recorded more stays by tourists in that month ever before. Thirty per cent more overnight stays by Russians and a […]
FW stops hiring
The new chairmen of Flughafen Wien AG (FW) have presented a strict cost-cutting programme. Julian Jäger and Günther Ofner, who took over at the company which manages Vienna International Airport (VIA or VIE) on 1 September, announced yesterday (Tues) they would not hire any additional staff in the coming years. FW currently employs 4,200 men […]
Rents to rise shortly
Hundreds of thousands of Austrians will be forced to fork out more on rent soon. Radio station Ö1 reported yesterday (Tues) prices would be increased for certain categories of contracts. According to tenants’ representatives, 300,000 households will feel the price hikes set to come into effect later this month or next month. They explained that, […]
A-Tec sale hit by Penta lawsuit
The sale of broke industrial company A-Tec Industries AG (A-Tec) could be overruled by judges after a defeated bidder revealed plans to appeal the deal in court. Czech-Slovakian investment company Penta announced today (Tues) an affiliate has asked the Commercial Court of Vienna for an injunction of the agreement between A-Tec bosses, representatives of creditors […]
Benko plans 65mn Lake Garda estate
A Tyrolean real estate developer intends to invest tens of millions of Euros into an estate at one of Italy’s most beautiful lakes. Rene Benko announced on Sunday he decided to spend 65 million Euros on the creation of a building complex featuring villas, terraced houses and apartments at Lake Garda. Tenants will be able […]