Top chef killed in Brazil

General News

A celebrated chef from Austria has been shot dead in Brazil. Nicolas Dornaus, chef de cuisine at the five-star Grand Hyatt Hotel in Sao Paulo, was killed on Sunday night near Interlagos, Brazilian press reported yesterday (Mon). The Austrian, who settled in Brazil in the 1970s, was riding a Yamaha motorcycle when he was approached […]

Yahama installs new Bösendorfer boss


Yamaha, the Japanese owner of Bösendorfer, has introduced a new chief executive at the tradition-rich piano maker.Yamaha announced today (Weds) that Bösendorfer deputy managing director Brian Kemble will succeed Yoshichika Sakai who has headed the Vienna-based firm since 2008. Yamaha explained Sakai will return to Japan to focus on new projects at its piano department […]